Organization Effectiveness
Organizational Effectiveness solutions focus on creating a high performance organizational infrastructure that drives operational excellence and optimizes human capital investments. We believe that when teams are well organized, decision-making is clear, and individuals understand their job responsibilities and the right work processes, they are able to apply their skills and talents more effectively to achieve business goals. As experienced practitioners, we can guide you through activities and processes to evolve to a high-performing team.
Typical Challenges Facing Our Clients:
- Our organization has grown significantly in the past two years. What should we do to ensure that we continue to scale and set ourselves up for success?
- How do we create the right organization structure to operate effectively in our business environment?
- How do we build greater accountability and decision making in our business processes?
- How can we work effectively across departmental and divisional lines?
- How do we organize to optimize costs yet create challenging jobs?
- How can we streamline work to reduce duplication and redundancy across functions?
- How can we build high performing teams?
Service Offerings:
- Organization and Job Design – Structure, Job Definition, Reporting
- Team Activation – Services, Governance
- Team Effectiveness – Team Building, New Leader Assimilation
- Process Design – Roles and Accountabilities, Decision Rights